Reference: Pre-Meiji Era Japanese Medical History Vol.3, Collection of the National Diet Library
In Japan, a country of volcanos, hot springs have been a familiar existence inseparable from the activities of humans.
There is a word, toji, in Japanese.
It means to cure illnesses or injuries by bathing in a hot spring.
Toji ingrained a unique Japanese bathing style where the person submerges themselves in water hotter than 40℃.
The custom of bathing daily is thought to be one of the reasons Japan has the highest longevity in the world.
YUYAKU was developed as a new toji custom that takes root in daily life from the long continued research into the power of hot springs.

It is our desire for the YUYAKU toji custom to be practiced in normal life to contribute to the maintenance of good health.

・Frequency of bathing: 1 time per day ・Bathing time: For 10 mins at 1~2 hrs before sleep ・Bathing temperature: 41℃ in winter, 38℃ in summer ・Bathing water level: Up to the armpits

Unique to the hot springs in Beppu, Japan's largest hot spring resort area, is the growing of hot spring water flowers, which has been done for over 350 years. This traditional method is just like growing hot spring “flowers.” "Yunohana” are natural mineral crystals in which are concentrated the hot spring ingredients. The Yunohana extract is full of minerals important for beauty and health. The hot spring minerals gently envelop the body.

The ingredients are naturally and slowly extracted from Yunohana without leaving any behind and then are refined into Yunohana extract. During this process, the sulfur that damages bathtubs and smells badly is removed. The extract is further combined with alkaline hot spring water, which has characteristics that gently make the skin smoother, to finish this medicinal bath powder that can be used daily at home.

1. Use 1 packet(60g) of Yuyaku for a standard-size bathtub filled with warm water.
2. Pour Yuyaku into running water to help it dissolve faster into the bath.
3. Take a bath for at least 10 minutes for keeping good health.

Name: YoungVenus Co., Ltd.
Address: 2211-1 Ashido Sakakura, Sakahogi-cho, Kamo-gun, Gifu-ken, Japan 505-0074
TEL: 0574-26-5554 (reception) FAX: 0574-26-5569
Affiliate Company: Beppu Onsen Kako Yakuhin Co., Ltd.
Takenouchi 1-kumi, Beppu-shi, Oita-ken, Japan 874-0841
Founded: July 1, 1962
Capital: 18,500,000 yen

1. Manufacture and sale of quasi-medications and bath additives
2. Manufacture and sale of cosmetics
3. Manufacture, sale and import/export of household goods
4. All operations ancillary to the above.